MEET GINA, Conscious Living Strategist™

All About Your Master Health Coach!
Gina is committed to helping you live a more d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s. life by nourishing the whole body through nutrition, trauma release, and Tesla cellular healing strategies. With over 20 years working as a life coach, environmental and social justice advocate, and writer, she is dedicated to bringing out the best in her clients. The people she supports say she is compassionate, motivating, and insightful.
Her work has been featured in the Seattle Times, Seattle Magazine, Urban Pages City Guide, Natural Solutions Magazine, Macaroni Kid Magazine, and was a weekly expert on Progressive Talk 1090AM. She was also listed on the 2020 New Year Spirited Woman Top 12 List and interviewed on Divas that Care. Former clients include the Port of Seattle, Google, CoolMoms, One Sky Wellness, and LORIG Real Estate. She recently taught at the Food Revolution Network Summit with Ocean and John Robbins (see photo to the left and down).
Previous employment and education include advising students at the University of Washington’s Program on the Environment and earning a Master’s in Humane Education. She also holds several certificates that she uses in her coaching work including Brain Management Consulting. She is often referred to as a Brain and Body Specialist. She is currently learning true cellular detox and lymphatic iridology under the International School of Detoxification founded by Dr. Robert Morse.
She is a published author. Her first book is called Hidden Treasures featuring survival strategies for parents with picky eaters. It includes recipes that her conscious eating and weight loss clients enjoy.
She works remotely by Skype or Zoom, and she has an office on South Whidbey. Her Walking towards Wellness program occurs in nature.
She uses the D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S model™ to help clients reach their goals:
D = Dense Nutrition. I invite you to begin adding the most delicious and nutritious food to your meal plan so that the body has what it needs to repair itself.
E = Elevate. As we eat better and bring in other wellness strategies our vibration rises, and as our vibration rises, YOU will Love Being in YOUR Body more.
L = Love. Learning to love ourselves is key to healing and raising our vibration.
I = Improve. This journey is all about progress, not perfection. I will help you take one step at a time so that your quality of life increases as does how you feel being in your body.
C = Cleanse. Not only do we need to put the best in and on our bodies, we also need to reduce your toxic load and trauma by engaging in gentle cleansing of the mind, body, and soul.
I = Inspiration. It is important to experience daily inspiration so that you enjoy and stay on the journey.
O = Open minded. In order to have a new experience one must remain open and curious about what is possible.
U = YOU. We couldn’t do this without You showing up for yourself and taking the next step on your health journey.
S = Sustain. My support, solutions, and strategies were created so you can sustain your goals for the long-term
Former clients have this to say:
“Thanks so much for giving me the boost that I needed! You clearly stated, easy to remember process were the stepping stones I needed to move out of my state of ‘overwhelm’. A most enjoyable session, beautifully orchestrated – fun, thought-provoking, energy building, memorable. Your work is broad enough to include everyone, and narrow enough to encourage each of us to find our own way.” – Carol Kibble, retired
“Well thought out, articulate, personable, customized to fit your needs, Gina can dive into what matters most to you. She focuses on what you are ready to do and not create outlandish or unreachable goals. Instead she coaches what you can do immediately and feel good about right from the start. I have recommended her many times and will continue to my friends, family and colleagues.” – Kaytlyn Sanders, mother and business owner
More About Me …
Why am I passionate about sharing my strategies to invite people to nourish their body, mind ,and soul?
Because I spent years struggling with food cravings and weight gain, brain fog, sleep interruption, low self-esteem, anxiety and depression, and a learning disability. I have healed many “incurable” conditions, I know what it feels like to go from pain to pleasure, and I want that for you.
The good news is that this sent me on a research frenzy to discover why we keep failing and failing when we seem to be doing everything right (or at least 80% of the time we get it right). It shouldn’t be this hard! And then I found the answers that SET ME FREE and this is good news for you, because I want to share it ALL!
What is my solution? The Ultimate Plan to Living Deliciously through spiritual nutrition strategies, trauma release practices, and Tesla healers.
Can you imagine waking up each morning and not being in misery? Can you imagine having an easy and comfortable relationship with your body and food? Can you imagine being free from depression and anxiety and waking up happy most days? Can you imagine being in flow where your life feels easier? I am living this way, and I want that for
My coaching philosophy is to find out where are you now, where you want to go, and provide result driven strategies that get you there in the most efficient way possible.
Are you ready to Love Being in YOUR Body? You deserve to be healthier, more in tune with your inner wisdom, and living your vision. Contact me for your complimentary 20 minute call NOW, so I can create a plan for us to work together.
Check out an article I wrote on circadian rhythms and another one by going here.